Dancing is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire, or so I’ve heard
It’s closer to negative 993 million than 1 billion
a stroke
Like they said, the libido of a 16 year old
Such a strawman, lol. The comic clearly says ‘eas_ier_’
Kinda cruel if you ask me
At least you didn’t ask to bum a fag
As far as I’m concerned, it’s all just varying levels of physics. Strings vibrate, atoms bounce around, molecules interact, substances react, cells form, organs grow, and consciousness emerges. It’s just one long spectrum with a fuzzy and somewhat arbitrary cut-off point to where we determine it life
Physics becomes chemistry becomes biology
Often too I’ll upvote a highly downvoted comment because I don’t think it deserved to be downvoted as much as it was, even if it’s one I’d otherwise downvote. Unless it’s horrible, in which case I’ll pile the fuck on
Too bad Melania’s campaign didn’t work…
What’s this referencing?
Nah skip the old man in position #2
Same, but replace ‘article’ with ‘comments’
People forget that trump did not run for president 3 times. He’s run for president 5 times.
OOTL foreigner here. When were the other 2 times?
Honestly I don’t think ‘women and girls’ feels clunky, but that’s just me
The priest looks like Father Ted
"Yes, because the reduced happiness of others elevates mine in comparison. This is because I believe in a rigid social hierarchy where happiness is zero-sum, and it’s the only way I’m able to climb the ladder. Once the short-lived boost in happiness inevitably wears off due to the world not actually working in that way, I will further look to enable suffering to forever chase the high in the only way I know. I will never truly feel deep satisfaction and inner peace, and I will slowly decline into old age feeling ever more isolated and bitter.
Get rekt, libs."
That’s some 5d chess right there
The Indian ocean isn’t a desert
First births yes, but what about average age? Our ancestors may have been second born, third born, eighth born etc