“pray for peace, prepare for war.” As they say.
“pray for peace, prepare for war.” As they say.
You’re probably right. I’m just “huffing copium” as the kids say I guess. Already bad enough struggling with anxiety and depression this whole ordeal just exacerbates it so I’m doing what I can to not be completely defeatist/doomer about it. Keyword is trying. So far I’m not doing so hot.
Hence why I say that I’m not sold on the idea that they will be coming back… Cautious optimism maybe but I won’t be holding my breathe.
That’s the part where I’m divided. On the one hand, I understand that they basically have to strip the website down to the basic foundation then rebuild it. On the other hand… I’m not entirely sold that when it returns it will have all of the things it once had. Only time will tell I guess.
They’ll learn real quick when their SSI and Disability checks dry up…
The same guy who has toddler level temper tantrums when people call him out for being a man child.
Kudzu already beat you to it.