Let’s play coin flip!
Let’s play coin flip!
I would recommend you Chris Cornell’s album “Songbook”.
You probably know all the main Grunge bands but Mother Love Bone is not that well known. I totally would recommend!
For me it is:
"I know someday you’ll have a beautiful life
I hope you’ll be a star
In somebody else’s sky
But why
Why can’t it be
Why can’t it be mine"
I rather say before GPS there was Transit (aka NAVSAT). Which was the father GNSS system of GPS.
LORAN is ground based so it’s like comparing apples with oranges, yes they are fruits.
GPS is a satellite system while LORAN is not.
I really hope so but they first need a language specification. Without that it’s no use for me.
C++26: remove C++
Idk maybe, just maybe. Add a cheap AF coin battery like for example motherboards to keep the internal clock alive.
Epic trick dear manufacturers. Well maybe it will cost them 0.05€ more per device… That means less Ferraris for the CEOs so idk about that.
Your wife is right mate, this drawer is what makes a house a home.
Hahahahha, I knew!!
Yeah exactly, the trolley problem is just like a benchmark of moral and ethics, the outcome is irrelevant. The thought process is what is relevant.
The artist just immortalized in a strip that does not understand the trolley problem.
Yeah, but it easier to blame others than accept reality.
What if not a Hilbert space?
What’s the deal with heights?