Agreed, if music labels start making their own streaming services, then it will go just like it has with video. Where there is now more streaming services than a regular person can feasibly pay for, and every service only has a small subset of what you want to listen to… Imaging needing to switch streaming service to listen to music from a different artist because they happened to have signed with a different label, and being unable to make a pplaylist that incorporates songs from artists from two different labels…
Agreed, if music labels start making their own streaming services, then it will go just like it has with video. Where there is now more streaming services than a regular person can feasibly pay for, and every service only has a small subset of what you want to listen to… Imaging needing to switch streaming service to listen to music from a different artist because they happened to have signed with a different label, and being unable to make a pplaylist that incorporates songs from artists from two different labels…