Meta on Tuesday announced sweeping changes to how it moderates content that will roll out in the coming months, including doing away with professional fact checking. But the company also quietly updated its hateful conduct policy, adding new types of content users can post on the platform, effective immediately.
Continuing to support what may be the very best example of what the very worst kind of corporate citizen looks like in the digital age isn’t enough? (and no, I didn’t forget about twitter)
Out of curiosity what makes twitter less bad than FB? I don’t have enough information to rank. It seems like the king twit is more overt with his intentions while Zuck likes to play it closer to the vest. In reality it’s probably different sides of the same coin
Primarily not having a history that looks like this. Over time, yes it will be just as bad or worse now that Musk is in charge and Trump is in office. Facebook has taken every opportunity to be the worst possible corpo citizen during their entire existence. Finding hot coeds was literally the original goal. It will take some time for Twitter to catch up.
Continuing to support what may be the very best example of what the very worst kind of corporate citizen looks like in the digital age isn’t enough? (and no, I didn’t forget about twitter)
Out of curiosity what makes twitter less bad than FB? I don’t have enough information to rank. It seems like the king twit is more overt with his intentions while Zuck likes to play it closer to the vest. In reality it’s probably different sides of the same coin
Primarily not having a history that looks like this. Over time, yes it will be just as bad or worse now that Musk is in charge and Trump is in office. Facebook has taken every opportunity to be the worst possible corpo citizen during their entire existence. Finding hot coeds was literally the original goal. It will take some time for Twitter to catch up.
I appreciate your response and bring receipts. If I knew how to cross post I would credit you when using this information in the future.
Absolutely no worries anyhow but thank you! Have a nice day!