Holy moly. Nice video.
Holy shit, I have to give it to CNN, they have an awesome news website. The story seems good and straightforward, not 2 lines of text padded to be 2000 words. No paywall annoyance. Not a billion ads ruining the page, popping in all over the place. No auto play video and the only video included is actually relevant to the story. The video has no nonsense like unneeded intros and outros, no bullshit, no pre-roll or post-roll ads, no dumb AI voice-over. The images are relevant to the story and kept to a minimum. It includes an inline reference to another story, but it’s not intrusive and the story is actually related to this story.
The cookie banner is annoying and non-compliant in the EU, but still perfectly serviceable and not intrusive. They didn’t even hijack my back button, which is almost a given these days.
I hardly knew websites like this still existed. I like to bitch about when websites suck and almost always close them immediately or the OP posts an Archive link because the site is so bad. But it’s only fair to give kudos where deserved, excellent website.