Thinking of hosting one for myself and was wondering what the downsides of each are. Do they all interact fine with each other? Can I log into mastadon apps with misskey/pleroma accounts? Is it like lemmy where the app specifically needs to support mbin (interstellar) to use that account?

Which one requires the least resources? I’m on ios so I’ll likely gravitate towards whichever one works best with ios apps. I do see that sora sns seems to support all of them + bluesky.

    2 months ago

    From my experience with different iOS apps, you can’t log in to a Mastodon app with a Sharkey (Misskey) account. In most cases you won’t even be able to pick/search for your server name when you go to add an account. Openvibe, I was able to find the server and log in, but then it couldn’t load my profile or any posts.

    So right now I’ve got Kimis for Sharkey, Ivory for Mastodon, Bluesky for Bluesky, OpenVibe because I like the unified timeline (but it doesn’t support Bluesky labelers so I’m not 100% on it yet)…I tried SoraSNS for a few days but I just hated the UI and had a hard time switching between accounts in the app. That’s personal preference though, might work better for you.