If you want to go even further, you can grab StreetComplete and have fun wandering your neighborhood while contributing to OpenStreetMap by answering questions for things like business hours, road widths, road materials, etc. Unfortunately, it seems to be android only at the moment and I’m not sure if there’s an iOS alternative.
Done ✅
Now let’s use this opportunity to find some FOSS options like Organic Maps
If you want to go even further, you can grab StreetComplete and have fun wandering your neighborhood while contributing to OpenStreetMap by answering questions for things like business hours, road widths, road materials, etc. Unfortunately, it seems to be android only at the moment and I’m not sure if there’s an iOS alternative.
I commented on apples map, too. Organic Maps for me!
I’m trying magic earth this weekend.
it’s what I use, but it has such a unpleasant UI
I feel like Signal is the only FOSS App that has a good and modern UI