@refalo@sudo If Proof of Work gets widely adopted I foresee a future where bot running data-centers can out-compute humans to visit sites, while old devices of users in poorer countries struggle to compute the required task for hours … Or is that fear misguided?
Admins will always turn down the bot management when it starts blocking end users. At that point you cough up the money for the extra bandwidth and investigate different solutions.
@refalo @sudo If Proof of Work gets widely adopted I foresee a future where bot running data-centers can out-compute humans to visit sites, while old devices of users in poorer countries struggle to compute the required task for hours … Or is that fear misguided?
Admins will always turn down the bot management when it starts blocking end users. At that point you cough up the money for the extra bandwidth and investigate different solutions.
@sudo yeah, the bot-problem is hard, especially for voluntary that help others.
* they use a proof of work system called #Anubis to fix their #bot problem. I hope it works. #proofofwork
The proof of work right now needs about 1 second on my phone, so I am happy with that.
Perhaps the biggest problem of bots is the number of requests they start, which is impossible to replicate by a normal human clicking on buttons.