Video link min 22:18 (YT) | Link Invidious

“(…) what is there on the internet that is like ye olden times where you know, you go on, you make a free account, it’s everything goes?”

“The Fediverse. I think would be the closest.”

  • T
    2 months ago

    A few things I really liked about this episode:

    First, is good to see Lemmy being mentioned before Mastodon when the theme is Fediverse. Everybody here knows the “Fediverse is not only Mastodon”, but it is very very good for it to be mentioned outside of our “bubble”.

    Also, Jakob is the second LMG crew member I have confirmed to be in the Fediverse, Emily Young being the first one ( go follow her). But Emily always was the “weird person that uses Linux” in the videos, so it was not a surprise for me she was using “alternative social media”. Jakob was a surprise for me. Is he a weird and funny person? He is! But I didn’t get the “Fediverse vibe” from him. Which is good. Very good.

    Again, is good to see the Fediverse start to show in (a little) more mainstream media. In such positive way.

    Jakob, I have a feeling you’re reading this comments. I love your work, good to see you here. Hope you bring more people to the Fediverse. Keep being you.

    2 months ago

    🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️LEMMY MENTIONED🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

    No but seriously, such an interesting episode.

    On one end there’s Riley, wanting to turn back the clock to an age where there were forums and communities freely searchable on the internet, and lamenting centralization.

    • “I don’t want to do that [joining the fediverse]. I really just want the internet to be fixed”.

    On the other end there’s Jakob, making a case that the clock can’t simply be rewinded back, and that the solution for a modern internet without centralization is…a modern internet without centralization.

    • “You’re like: ‘Hm, my issue is all of these different places are closing off themselves and there’s all this information and stuff on the internet that’s becoming centralized, gated’ - decentralization is what the fediverse is!”

    As for Riley’s point about “If I join the fediverse, and no-one’s there, I’m cutting myself off from culture”: This is exactly why these platforms are closing themselves off. They’re seeing that even if people want something different (and Riley has expressed this desire throughout the entire podcast), the fear of not being able to keep our things can be a strong incentive to never improve one’s situation. And there’s no better proof than his own statement. It works.