• Buglefingers@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Really though, we were at the center of the tech boom growing up. VHS to live streaming. Physical media is retro in such a short time. It’s not even necessarily the advancements on their own (which saying were massive may be an understatement) but also the implementation and sociatal acceptance.

    We went from “don’t talk to people on the internet, don’t meet with them, don’t give out personal information”, to literal non-stop blogging of all our life events to as many people who care to see it. This is not a lamentation, merely a statement to express how far things have changed in effectively one generation.

    It moved so fast that even most 90s kids don’t have agreeable substance for “the way we did it” since it changed and developed so fast. People two years apart in the 90s can have radically different views of what it was like because it didn’t stay that way for any length of time. VHS to DVD to Blueray and streaming. XBox, Kinect, to VR. Calling, to Email, to AOL, to text, to smartphones and message apps. It was a wild burst of tech that was astonishing and ground shaking.