Those dumbfucks are a vocal minority. We tend to forget that the internet is not necessarily representative of a population. So pretty much every “extreme” really ought to be taken with a grain of salt.
Just a random stranger here for their own soapbox. Expect things about nature, conservation, food, homesteading and the like.
Those dumbfucks are a vocal minority. We tend to forget that the internet is not necessarily representative of a population. So pretty much every “extreme” really ought to be taken with a grain of salt.
You’d think there’s enough global support that something might kick off elsewhere in the world. But those not having to deal directly with the nonsense going on in the US have the benefit of being able to sit back and spout off.
Sorry we’re not revolting fast enough. Kind of hard to do when things are generally equally split in the country, and the majority of folks need to keep going to work to keep food on the table.
Probably all as designed, but we’re all too damned tired and those doing things we don’t like know it.
Simplest way to put it is that prisons exist because some people simply cannot be allowed to live in “normal” society. Unfortunately, people have decided that this fate is no longer reserved for the worst of the worst/those that pose imminent danger, but now include “moral” offenses.
This is one of those topics where there is no “good” solution - only “less evil” options. And until humans as a species no longer have the various hold-over traits from our time before “civilization”, we’ll have to accept that we have to collectively make shitty choices.
Given the state of the world these days, 31 days is long enough for at least 3 very particular tasks. Any left over time, I’d probably just be bored and procrasturbate.
I can say for certain that they dont. At least not all of the firearms. And “or else”? Really? Are you intending that to read as a threat, or merely a warning about said dumbfucks?
Because that sort of “threat” is a nice indicator of the type of person that shouldn’t have access to firearms.