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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • Every single one of us, as kids, learned the concept of “garbage in, garbage out”; most likely in terms of diet and food intake.

    And yet every AI cultist makes the shocked pikachu face when they figure out that trying to improve your LLM by feeding it on data generated by literally the inferior LLM you’re trying to improve, is an exercise in diminishing returns and generational degradation in quality.

    Why has the world gotten both “more intelligent” and yet fundamentally more stupid at the same time? Serious question.

  • I’m a guy and I’m in a very customer facing line of work and I don’t have that issue at all.

    As others have said, maybe it’s an age thing (I’m middle aged) or maybe it’s a tone thing. If I’m complimenting them, it’s usually on something specific; “Oh hey, those are really cool glasses” or “I love what you’ve done with your hair.”, etc…

    It’s never “You’ve got pretty hair, lady.” or “Gosh yer’ beautiful.”

    The line between platonic comment and creepy sex weirdo (in my mind) is if you’re complimenting them on something they actively did that you think is cool (hairstyle, choice of glasses, etc…) it’s fine. Complimenting them on features that they have no control over, like saying “Hey, I just wanted to, completely randomly tell you how attractive you are” is creepy.

  • I’m not entirely clear on what your angle is (or even what you’re particularly asking about). But I’ll try my best to offer something meaningful.

    From what I can gather, you are making the rather common mistake of equating captialism with corporate capitalism/venture capitalism It may seem convenient (and depressing to think of the things as intertwined, but they’re really not.

    Capitalism is very simple. It’s the exchange of goods and services for monetary reward. The harder you work (theoretically) the more you’re rewarded. It’s only when corporations, venture capitalists and stock prices become involved that that notion begins to become corrupted.

    If I make a point to trying to do my grocery shopping at the local grocery store rather than the big chain, that’s still capitalism. I’d argue it’s more pure capitalism than corporate douchebaggery.

    If I have a neighbour who likes to make wooden furniture in his garage and I procure a table and chairs from him instead of going to IKEA. That’s still capitalism.

    If (as I had all the time growing up) our neighbours kept cows while my family kept chickens, we would purchase beef from them and they would purchase eggs and poultry from us. THAT’S CAPITALISM.

    Seeing the reward from your own sweat rather than a corporation seeing the reward from other people’s sweat.

    I guess in some sort of answer to your question, take back the notion of capitalism from the greedy corporations that have hijacked it. Support your local community. Go to your local farmer’s markets. Buy from local artisans and farmers. THAT’S how we reconcile (and fix) capitalism.

  • Adderbox76@lemmy.catoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs "retard" a slur?
    5 days ago

    They’re not properly referred to by that word. They USED to be referred to by that word back when they (falsely) believed that such disorders made them inferior.

    Classifying those who were mentally less-developed as “retarded” became the excuse for a world that would try all types of monstrous experiments, ostensibly in an attempt to “heal them” because this was they only way “those people” could be a use to society; as lab rats for things like lobotomies, electro-shock therapy and any other wacky insanity that the early 20th century had dreamed up.

    In effect, while “retarded” was once the so-called medical terminology it very quickly became shorthand for an entire group of people that could be dismissed and used because they’d serve no other purpose otherwise.

  • Adderbox76@lemmy.catoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs "retard" a slur?
    5 days ago

    I only found out within the last couple of years that it’s considered a slur

    No. It was always a slur. It was still a slur when we were younger, we were just too immature to understand that. It just means that we grew up and learned that it’s denigrating and (most of us) stopped using it once we grasped that.

  • If you draw women like children, and then give them high pitched voices, like children, and have them act girlish and foolish like pre-teen girls, and then sexualize them…There is something very very fucking wrong with you. Anime “purists” can deny it all they want, but it’s inherently tied in/related to fake waifu girlfriends and lonely neckbeards drawing naked waifus all over DeviantArt.

    It’s skeevy as shit and I refuse to pretend otherwise.

  • Adderbox76@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzArchaeology
    4 months ago

    From my time majoring in Arch, I’d say the rule of thumb is:

    “Is the culture the body came from vanished or changed to the point where no one has a personal stake in it.”

    So for example, vikings are long since gone. Modern northern europeans are generally a completely different culture, therefore not grave robbing. Same with Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, etc…

    Indigenous tribes in North America and Australia for example, still very much around and still very much grave robbing (though that opinion is controversial)

    Basically, if the existing culture still shows reverence to those ancestors…leave them alone. If the existing culture no longer honours them as ancestors, dig baby dig.