To be fair, to axe that would be a very Google thing to do.
To be fair, to axe that would be a very Google thing to do.
One of the more obvious examples would be Baby Drivers opening titles scene (sound is a must) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYv2a_VF328
But all of his movies are full of music/visual related gags.
You might like Edgar Wrights movies then
My reasoning is that infinite is pronounced like definite, unlike finite which is pronounced nothing like definite.
Vinyl is actually on plateau or even trending downwards while CDs are starting to trend up.
This is without gitignore, so probably just installed one js dependency
Because there are nights there are winters there are cloudy and rainy days, and there are no batteries capable of balancing all of these issues. Also when you account for those batteries the cost is going to shift a bit. So we need to invest in nuclear and renewables and batteries. So we can start getting rid of coal and gas plants.
Fun fact, teams backend is sharepoint. It’s just a fancy wrapper on top 🤡
The thing is, there are tons of incels already and if you think that will push them to be more liberal I have some bad news for you.
GPTs are degrading
To trust a computer it has to be correct 100% of the time, because it can’t say “I don’t know”.
What do you mean as intrusive, none of the piracy sites are trying to work around my adblocker.
Let me live with my mistakes
In Lithuania we literally have the whole periodic table on the wall in every chemistry class I have ever been to.
You mean this style of beetle?
I’m not defending cybertruck just wanted to point out the awkward history of WV