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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Red Hat said that “mitigation of these vulnerabilities is as simple as running two commands, especially in any environment where printing is not needed.”

    …all of those words, yet they don’t actually list the command(s) in the article

    Here are the commands from a different article (basically stop and disable the cups-browsed daemon and/or block port udp:631):

    What to do:
    Disable and remove the cups-browsed service (if not needed)
    sudo systemctl stop cups-browsed
    sudo systemctl disable cups-browsed

    Block all traffic to UDP port 631 & and all DNS-SD traffic

  • Years ago my mother was going through an old box of photos we brought with us when we moved to a new country. These were all in weird size formats, I guess it was developed on whatever size paper that shop had on hand that day. There were pictures of my mother and father when they got married, various family events and family members. Then there were at least 3 black and white (maybe purplish or orangeish?) polaroid sized photos of my father and mother with 2 babies about the same age, then there was another of my father, my mother, myself and some kid - we were both dressed alike more or less (short sleeve button up shirts and shorts) and were standing in front of the front door to one of the apartments we rented, me and the other boy were standing in front of my parents and an uncle and aunt besides my mother and father. The last one I saw was of me and this boy, on what I remember was my first day of kindergarten. Right after the picture was taken I remember crying as some kids do when their parent leave them at the entrance to a new school. I mean I still can feel the tears on my face to this day…I guess I was a little dramatic

    The weird thing is, I remember all of my childhood friends, I remember us doing stupid things, I remember falling out of a swing and whacking my head so hard on concrete I saw stars. I remember us getting in trouble for going swimming in a nearby river when we were like 6 or 7. I remember waking up, I remember getting ready for school, I remember breakfast, I remember going to sleep. I remember all of these things, but I don’t remember this random kid from these photos. I’ve asked my mother about it once or twice, but she says she has no idea what I’m talking about. I’ve tried looking for the photos again, but I moved away a while ago and it’s bugged me all of my adult life. Did I just maybe have a really vivid dream after watching some tv show? Did I space out while we were going through those photos. I tell myself he was probably just a cousin that spent time with us. it’s just weird because I’m the only kid of that age group in the family, I was the first grand kid in both families there were no other kids my age in the family when I was growing up