But will we feel the shift in gravity/inertia as the planet starts moving straight?
But will we feel the shift in gravity/inertia as the planet starts moving straight?
Yeah. A protest that didn’t work. What happens next, after tea bagging the ocean? The brits leave us alone?
Sure. When has the peaceful one made anyone stop?
Did they give us what we wanted? Nope. The protests happen all the time, but name one instance when it actually worked. Nothing ever gets done unless a stick gets involved. Now we have a nazi billionaire running around with an orange felon senior citizen and the only thing that happens is “please, stop it” but they didn’t even hear you enough to reply back.
More peaceful protests. That always fixes things. The US even became a nation after peacefully protesting the British.
We usually keep a good working relationship with them around here. I’m not friends with any when off duty.
Thanks. It’s a sweet job. Even if the pay is below what it should be, its still awesome to do.
Been firefighting for about 17 years now. Nothing burned up has ever smelled good.
Loops really seems like it sucks. You can’t see how long any video is, there’s no way to thumb down really bad videos, and about 80% of all the videos seem like “really bad videos”. I never even used tik tok, but im sure it wasn’t content similar or it never would have gotten popular.
Definitely that he’s just dumb. The saying should be “please don’t dismiss the posibility”.
Go suck a fuck. Why are you even commenting about you being wrong over a post that’s been dead for a week.
It says in the article that he was directly asked about going single term and he told the interviewer he wasn’t going to commit to being a single term president. “Misremembering” is just weak speak for being wrong.
That’s not really true, unless you can find better sources for it than I found.
The US’s only chance at starting to get better will have to have a leader and not a puppet. Being surrounded with politicians in your trust will keep things running, but just keep pumping out more of the same shit we have had.
He should have announced he was going to be a 1 term president a year prior and gave a chance to find a better Democrat candidate. He’s senile and hardly able to run the country. No one over 70 should be president. No one over 70 should be in any office or judicial position. Our country shouldn’t be ran by the nearly dead. Even 8f some of them like Sanders are great.
Well sure it’s racist, but it’d be more racist if they created the day and put it there solely out of spite.
I thought so too, but then reading the article actually made it a bit less racist than initial thoughts. They had been celebrating Lee in January a good 70 years before MLKJ got his day in January. Still racist, but I can see politicians being like “fuck it. We’re not having two holidays a week apart from each other”.
Also, wouldn’t it be just as upsetting to racists in support of Lee as it is to non racists in support of MLKJ?
Took me 25 minutes to buy a $4 brake light bulb at wal mart one night. After tracking down an employee to track down another employee to meet me by the glass door. I’ll never buy car bulbs there again. That portion of store is dead to me.
I’d ask the same about you, but you’re also the one arguing it’s a pointless product.
I know gravity moves at the speed of light. I’m just referring to the slight pull of the gravity and the sudden shift to traveling straight off instead of a circle.