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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Why do you believe Reagan was elected?

    Why did you need to move the goal posts? If you’d proven your point you’d have shown where I was wrong. You couldn’t, so you tried a different approach.

    That’s the funny thing about you. You keep shooting yourself in the foot and call it a win.

    edit =by your ‘logic’ any historian who talks about a particular leader/inventor/general believes in the Great Man theory.

  • “Every great leader is born already possessing certain traits that will enable them to rise and lead on instinct”.

    “The need for them has to be great for these traits to then arise, allowing them to lead.”

    From the article you provided.

    I never said Carter or Reagan had special traits, I just used their names as a placeholder for their administrations.

    I never said that there was a giant need, they were both elected as part of the regular election cycle.

    So again, you are proven wrong by your own article.

  • I don’t feel like you were ever actually engaged.

    If you were, you would have noticed that I never said I believed in the ‘Great Man Theory,’ just that I believed that there are no solid rules in history and that people make their own choices. One civilization creates the wheel and another does not. One island nation isolates itself and another builds a giant navy.