It’s even worse than that. The banana isn’t the actual thing valued at that price. It’s the exhibit, an abstract arbitrary concept. The banana and duct tape get replaced periodically. This person is just eating a banana for the attention.
That’s the key. You gotta psspspssspsp instead.
Probably as “inconspicuous” storage. If you’ve got a bunch of other garden gnomes around, this’ll look just like one of them.
Is it a clever idea? Did it work? Well, we’re reading about it…
On the flip side, there’s no reason to assume an artificial intelligence will share the same priorities as a human being.
I’m not fearmongering AI here (I, for one, welcome our future ai overlords). But we don’t really escape the issues of ethics with artificial intelligences. They’re still intelligent.
Hundreds of years, yes. Without issue? Definitely incorrect. It is a statistical certainty that, in the entire course of history, someone somewhere has gotten sick and died from this cooking method.
Pedantry aside, it’s all about who’s making the stew that matters. A seasoned chef today with the sufficient knowledge of modern food safety practices can keep a stew reliably safe to eat. Some old farmer centuries ago will experience a lot more opportunities for contamination and won’t notice until they get the shits.
You’re also missing a major part, donorship. These picks aren’t incompetence as it looks at first glance. They’re deliberately picked for regulatory capture. They’re going to burn it down from three inside.
Look at Dr. Oz. He got picked because of his wife’s family, the Asplundhs. They’re going to fuck up healthcare far worse than you expect.
Silly rabbit, Master Shifu is a red panda!
Thanks. I know, I was just making a silly joke.
I dunno, man. None of these monkeys are Andy Serkis.
So what’s he catching in panel 5?
Same here, I thought it was fantastic! We got a nice epic finale that wrapped up a lot of plot threads quite nicely. I haven’t enjoyed a finale that much since Schlock Mercenary wrapped up after a couple decades. Kudos to Sam Logan!
Just because you can find reasons doesn’t make them good ones. It’s a civic duty.
Quite a lot has changed since Nietzsche’s time. For example, germ theory is no longer fringe science.
For the first one, you can use a smaller boom.