It’s 4 years until the next scheduled bullshit, whether that’s a third term, eradicating the constitution, or bringing about the end of America / the west / humanity. We could all go up sooner, but I expect Bo Burnham’s “7 more to go,” to somehow be right (came out in 2021, so 2028 seems about right).
We lost freedoms during Bush, carried on by every president since. I guess we’ll see what happens to the machinations next…
Thanks for the updoots & the fish. Hope it was a good ride.
This might be true, but it’s not aligned with the posted article: it highlighted how Latino & Asian voters went to the right because they saw the democrats as ineffectual and as Trump spouting rhetoric instead of legit policy. It also noted how older immigrants saw “new immigrants” as somehow ‘worse mannered’ than them.
The GOP strategy has long been “block Dems” in order to make the federal systems look ineffectual at helping: that’s what happened, at least to these voters in this article.