Reddit is trash

  • 4 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 5th, 2023


  • I think it’s an outstanding rpg and recommend it to anyone interested in the genre. If you don´t like it that´s fine but don´t present your individual opinion as being objective.

    So, my opinion is invalid, but yours is okay? Think about the base that is likely to play this game. I’m sure most of them have the same opinion as you. When it comes time review, they would probably like it.

    You, however, are using biased sampling (people who bought the game, and people paid to play games) and an echo chamber to conclude that your viewpoint is the only valid one. Do you see the flaw here?

    What about people who don’t like what you like? They’re not spending $50 on a game they don’t like. I tried DOS (1 & 2) because of the reviews and my live for games like Baldur’s Gate and Pillars. But this game series wasn’t for me and I’m allowed to say so.

  • FenrirIII@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHow convenient
    7 months ago

    And? It has negative reviews too. I’m sure many people loved it, but many others didn’t. And there are many more who never played it because they didn’t like the original or heard bad things. Sequels are more likely to be purchased by people who liked the original game.

    Edit: You fanboys are something else. Downvote reality all you want, other people are allowed to have opinions too.