Very generous…ly unrealistic, unfeasible, and inhumane.
Very generous…ly unrealistic, unfeasible, and inhumane.
And the less specific he is in talking about things like this, the more this will be blatantly abused
Wow, it’s like she was trying to lose.
There’s many things that expose the Right Wing Grift.
When AOC was first elected they mocked her for being a Bartender who “rose above her station”
What more proof do you need that the American Dream is bullshit
This bigot had a trans-rights activist arrested for “Assault” right after shaking hands with them.
Can I get a link that isn’t Reddit?
Jesus Christ
Sadly there are many people who voted for Trump because Democrats are “Communists and Woke!” and that they “Invented Transpeople to help Obama destabilize American Women’s Sports!”
People think the Democrats are losing relevance because they’re “Too woke”, and “No one cares about transpeople when there are bills to pay”
It’s really because they do shit like try to compromise with someone who wants to kill you by agreeing to let them cut off an arm.
Honestly I’m surprised that “You won’t have to hear about Trump again” wasn’t motivation enough for people to get to the polls
The afterlife thankfully doesn’t mention him, it doesn’t mention anything.
Protip: You aren’t being a “Model Minority” or “One of the good ones”, you’re being a useful idiot and will be left holding the bag 200 out of 100 times.
Given the latest events at the DNC
What did the DNC do?
The movement may have started as equality, but it has clearly been either co-opted by bad faith agents, misandrists, and career sociopaths.
2025… IT doesn’t feel real as the current year, I legitimately odn’t understand how I’m still alive. I feel like an aged immortal being that was there at the dawn of man and has watched him fail to approach anything resembling a true Gilded Age, and now I crave death to see a world beyond the material, to be free from my captors, and ascend to greater things.
I’m 33
We need to tell men that it’s okay for boys to cry, and that if someone hurts them we promise not to laugh at them, and we need to fucking mean it.
This is why I believe the virtue we need more than any other is forgiveness.
To be honest, I’d be all for legislation that makes a criminal record less damning.
Think about it. If you tell someone “We’re not going to hire you, we’re not going to help you in anyway, and we’re not even going to recognize your basic humanity you’re a criminal and that’s all you’ll ever be!”
Will they aspire to better themselves, change how people see them, pick themselves up by their bootstraps, and try to find a foot in the door?
Or are they going to say “Well, if I’m a criminal, that’s all I’ll ever be and I have bills to pay, I guess I better rob a convenience store so I don’t starve to death.”
The former makes for a feel good story, but the latter’s going to be more realistic.
If you tell someone they’re worthless because of X, then they will live up to the label. You need to BELIEVE in someone and give them a real chance to change their ways, we cannot be defined solely by our mistakes or we will always be the worst versions of ourselves.
And in the case of what’s happening with men, they’re not even being judged by their mistakes. They’re not even being allowed to make mistakes, for too many have already declared them guilty by association with the penis.
They say that men are afraid women will laugh at them, but the truth is, men are afraid that women will have them arrested for the crime of maleness.
This is why I will never call myself a Feminist, I prefer the term Egalitarian. For I will not stoop to misandry (As Modern Feminism has often been accused of, as boys are constantly left behind while their female peers are given a leg up), nor racism (Anyone else familiar with the term “White Feminism”?)
IT’s not “The economy stupid”