Maybe that’s because the patriarchy favours a minority of men.
Go read The Will to Change, then come back and tell me that the majority of men are having a grand time.
You’re picturing the men at the top, which are few. The majority suffer.
Maybe that’s because the patriarchy favours a minority of men.
Go read The Will to Change, then come back and tell me that the majority of men are having a grand time.
You’re picturing the men at the top, which are few. The majority suffer.
“Health” businesses / media: But how can we continually monetise people if they don’t yo-yo diet?
Oh boy, please go hard on … Internet streaming services
My hope is not high for this. The movie will be made by Disney, so I don’t think they’ll be going after Disney+.
For those (like me) who aren’t familiar with virus genetics, this is called recombination. Yes, it is possible between influenza and bird flu because they are the same virus type.
Not enough desk slapping to be believable.
Nah, downvoted because it doesn’t spark healthy discussion.
“What about freedom of speech?” isn’t a valid question because the article is about social media, not a government. There are no freedom of speech rights on social media platforms.
Both sides, because both have extremist ideologies.
Freedom of speech is a government thing, this article is about organisations. It doesn’t apply.
And each of them costs about the same as a deposit on a house.
Reduce, reuse, recycle applies to digital content as well. When you can, just use a meme template.
Meme responsibly.
They appear to be clueless, so those with a clue may out themselves.
The whip is only present in the John account, I think. The Wiki page is a good read:
Translation: In this moment I am euphoric …
Can you point to a reference? I don’t think you are recalling the story correctly.
They were money changers (currency exchange) and merchants, not a single tax collector.
Jesus cleansed the temple twice, it wasn’t a single event.
Matthew was a tax collector, one of his key disciples. Jesus was also compassionate towards Zaccheus, who was a wealthy tax collector. Zaccheus was wise enough to repent from his over-taxing of citizens, however.
Zaccheus story - 19:1-10&version=NIV
Shhhh, let the EEEs pretend, they have it rough as it is.
no bullshit installed
Pick one
Linux: Cause you’re just gonna use an Internet browser anyway.
and the rest of us?
Either make the waves, ride the waves, be part of the wave, or try to walk against the wave.
We all want to be the makers but the majority of us won’t be. Try to ride the waves.
Meanwhile, in the better hemisphere: Why is the sun still up? I’m tryin’ to sleep!
I think it’s a joke. Instead of “The God Particle”, it’s “the dog particle”.