I don’t go through life like this. I think if I met a rightwing nutjob, I could get along with them or at least bond over something not related to politics. I had to do this when I worked in an office, too. People are still people.
I don’t go through life like this. I think if I met a rightwing nutjob, I could get along with them or at least bond over something not related to politics. I had to do this when I worked in an office, too. People are still people.
Not fucked at all. I agree with my beliefs, and I’m tired of being misunderstood. Having them be visible would be vindicating. I just want to be friends with everyone at the end of the day.
Absolutely a Christmas movie
ZeroWater. I like this one because it comes with a TDS sensor to test your water for dissolved solids.
I think so. I was going to say maybe Bernie doesn’t, but I remembered he’s a multi-millionaire and his salary doesn’t generate that kind of money.
Same here. Only for preemployment and never after hiring. I’ve tried those other methods, and synthetic is the only one that works every time.
In IT, I always have to complete a background check and a drug screening whenever I start a new job. I’ve never heard of an employer reviewing someone’s social media before, but I guess it could happen. This account is a bit of an outlier, and my social media usually centers on tech stuff.
I’d guess late 60s maybe
I kept my AOL account because it’s in my dads name. He died a few years ago. I don’t think I use it for anything, but I try to log in a few times per year to keep it from being deleted.
It would take awhile, but I’d want to join their Army so that I might be stationed near a border someday. Seems like a good way to secure food as well. If it were possible, I’d try to gain weight before the escape.
Yeah, nearly every time. Gotta be able to laugh at yourself once in awhile
Sounds like a reasonable response (yours).
I block easily, but I tend to unblock everyone shortly thereafter.
The only hot spring I’ve been to didn’t smell like sulfur, or anything really. Not sure what could be in the clouds without googling it
You could get a handful of Roman coins for less than $5 if you don’t care about the quality. Or this $96.94 silver Hadrian coin from approximately 117-138 CE
I’m making an effort to pick more libre/free content, it just takes a lot more effort to fully make the switch than I had anticipated. We should really be pushing for more open, freely licensed content. I’d estimate that most Lemmy users are also Linux users, so it shouldn’t be too hard to convince people. I’ve been under a rock for so long that my issue is simply not know what the alternatives are.
In FFXI, at around level 20, you have to walk from your starter city to the main capital city, Jueno. It takes a couple of hours your first time, because all of the monsters are level 40+, and you have almost no chance of surviving an encounter,. You have to cross several very large maps in the process, usually alone or with a friend at around a similar level, and there is a lot of sneaking around you have to do in order to avoid detection. I always liked this part of the game because of the challenge it presented. When you arrive in Jueno, you finally get your chocobo license and never have to walk across those maps again, unless you really wanted to.
The updated version of the game doesn’t require traveling like this anymore. I think you can just take an airship or teleport there somehow now, but I still take the long way for nostalgia whenever creating a new character.
Yeah, in most places. Welcome aboard :)
I still don’t believe this. I’ve been part of the interview process at several different companies, and no one ever talked about social media. Maybe it’s not a thing in IT?