Thanks, this really fucked with me when I tried to scroll past.
Like when you are backing up your car and the car next to you starts going forward.
Thanks, this really fucked with me when I tried to scroll past.
Like when you are backing up your car and the car next to you starts going forward.
He killed Bowser and rest of the koopas are taking revenge.
I’m mostly disappointed how castrated the US system is to react at all. This is like a dead body finally bursting and the local wildlife just accelerating decay.
A lot of people working within the system are going to have to make a choice if they are loyal to the people or status quo. Will they continue to overlook corruption to save themselves?
I’m afraid this has already been answered because all that lead up to this moment was paved with corruption and greed that favored elites and not the common people. Meanwhile the common people of the US are ok with ignoring this theft or just simply fighting with each other. Which was the plan all along. Keep everyone distracted well the rich and powerful gut the nation.
So that scene where he pulls off half his mask to kiss Mary Jane could be different in this universe.
Obviously it’s a key that needs to be inserted into an ancient titan robot to power it back up.
Tartigrades are sith.
Footage from inside RFK Jr’s head.
Honestly this is probably a cheaper alternative to American healthcare. Hell I’d get a apathy ring, probably do wonders for my anxiety issues that I can’t afford to treat.
I’m going to add this comment to my scrap journal.
I know one thing that’s absolutely true about the multiverse!
The multiverse is a convenient excuse to reboot superheroes for a new audience to make money.
We are the pug, breathing is futile.
Sounds like a kinky night in the bedroom.
United Healthcare --> Luigi’s Mansion
Everything reminds me of Vim
DM: Roll a D20 for a stealth check.
Rouge: I bat my eyelashes.
DM: Huh, I misread your character sheet. I’ll allow it.
Lil’ Dummy
Unfortunately he is tied up at Peach Trees, trying to deliver justice to Ma-Ma.
“… it’s time to go to distant lands…”