• 3 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2024


  • Each breath is slower than before, your mind enters a mist, friends surround you but not you, they are distant

    You focus, focus once more, your pupils dilate as you stare into your first born daughter, then onto your grandson, they seem almost frozen, their mouths move to talk yet it’s incomprehensible

    Their lips slap together at an excruciatingly slow pace, then as a final pang of pain enters around your chest, you feel your time stop

    The mist encroaches further.

  • If it’s a hobby try shortening the task at hand to a single word title, like World Procedural Gen with Climates becomes Climaproc, if it’s something more commercial or something you wish to be seen more, use more memorable names like Hades or use simple to remember terms, and then search them up if they are a widely used name elsewhere

    Even if the name is Terrible it generally grows on people, you could name a project Harold and it would only sound weird to you and no one else

    Try using code names, let’s say, Kilmarnock, Magmell or Thuinn