According to some (now in power):
States have Rights only while the States conform. (See the Governor of Maine’s “I’ll see you in court” to Trump?)
Much like Speech is Free so long as it conforms. (The Washington Post continues to find out.)
According to some (now in power):
States have Rights only while the States conform. (See the Governor of Maine’s “I’ll see you in court” to Trump?)
Much like Speech is Free so long as it conforms. (The Washington Post continues to find out.)
Right. Just because sometimes we have to accept something, doesn’t mean we have to like it.
(Though the other commenter implied people commonly or always angered by fact, but then we have nothing to talk about.)
The GMC Hummer EV Pickup Truck has entered the chat.
205-kWh capacity battery [three times the size in a crossover], still gets only 275 miles [2023 version].
Anime Character: “I’m just a little baby girl.”
ProZD: “Zero [years old]?!”
Anime Character: “I’m a thousand!”
ProZD: “NOPE.”
Well, we don’t usually see a Day in the Life of a Normally Functioning Transporter. It’d make for a pretty boring episode. It’s kind of like “Well, where ARE the bathrooms on the ship? What do they look like? How do they work? Do they also use the three seashells?” I mean, getting an answer might be mildly interesting, but really… do we need to see the space toilet? They only kind of got value out of complaining about a lack of showers on Voyager.
Transporters are perfectly safe, and we just see those ultra rare times when they aren’t.
No, what you should really worry about is whether it’s you that arrives on the other end of that transporter or not. Is there a soul? Does it survive? What is actually transmitted down to the planet? What makes you you, basically? Some people find that line of thought the stuff of nightmares.
“Gas is too high! Why doesn’t the President just pull the lever to make them not high?!”
Biden releases strategic reserves to lower prices.
“Ye-- Ye-- Well, the price of eggs is too fucking high. Pull that lever! I dare you!”
Hm, we don’t have a strategic egg supply to make simple people happy. This will be a challenge…
Trump claims he’ll lower it by getting elected. How? Who the fuck knows and no one cares.
“Why aren’t the prices lower yet?!”
Well, gosh, it couldn’t have to do with a complex system where there aren’t magic levers one just pulls to make things happen… Guess it’s Trump’s fault. What’s good for the goose (Biden) is good for the gander (Trump), after all.
“The prices need to be this high!” /insert picture of sieg heil/
Petah says, “Unlike a carnival ride, ‘this high’ is literally over one’s head. As in, we’re in over our heads.”
“R-Word” is a ridiculous over correction. It demeans the reason why “N-Word” exists. We collectively said the N-Word is out of bounds because it’s the very least anyone can do given historical events that continue to resonate to this very day (god dammit). Now the Internet thinks “R-Word” is a good idea. Why? The word is “Retard.” It’s okay to say retard. What’s not okay is demeaning people by calling them any derogatory term, and blacklisting words thinking that will somehow correct the problem is the height of hubris – as if there are no other suitable replacements. It’s an attempt to take a shortcut to a societal problem. It is, in a word, retarded (you can look up the definition in a dictionary and see it’s an appropriate usage).