Prethoryn Overmind


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Hear me out, I genuinely want to know what someone thinks of this idea.

    We have Life Phone 3 coming soon and some good e-ink options.

    I have been thinking about one of those e-ink box Palmas and putting a minimalist launcher on it making it my primary work device or get away from the world device.

    My Pixel 8 Pro is running GrapheneOS so my primary phone would manage my worldly needs in a private manner while my Boox would handle my get away needs for just the essentials. Reading and browsing nothing more.

    I would lock the device down with a child google account and Google’s family link app. This could see screen time prevent launcher changing and unnecessary app downloads my primary phone could manage it under a segmented Google profile in GrapheneOS. I think I would find myself to annoyed to even bother allowing app downloads so I would just install what is felt the phone was necessary for. A basic web browser, minimalist launcher and reading apps, lemmy and maybe Reddit. It would cut downy screentime a lot I think.

  • Look, I am not a billionaire loving guy anymore than some of you are.

    But has anyone here considered that Musk has made an impact on the views of young white men (whom also happen to be Republican and Conservative or Proud Boys?

    Does it bother us that these men follow a billionaire who doesn’t give two shits about them? Yes.

    Do I care that Taylor Swift is the opposite of that and encourages young women and men, be it black, gay, trans, etc to be opposite end of that spectrum. Fuck yes, we shouldn’t base our views off the rich but has it ever occurred to anyone here that it is using those billionairs to represent and have them be vocal with the power they hold with our views instead?

    I will absolutely take Taylor Swift speaking up and saying what she believes in and her giving that voice to 100000+ people whose only voice is heard in a vote if her speaking up also encourages people to say fuck Trump and and Musk and every fucking dumb ass on this post that thinks Taylor speaking out is a bad thing by comparison to it somehow being worse then what they already do with Musk.

    Fuckem, fuck billionaires, but God damn keep fucking roasting them TSwiftie.

  • Yeah, the only issue is that RCS is actually better and the counter argument is that Apple is breaking the messaging platform by not implementing it in some way.

    The other point to make here is that iMessage wouldn’t have to just disappear. They could continue to support iMessage while just allowing text messages to be better for those who just don’t want an iPhone. The whole thing is hypocritical on both sides. Apple has convinced it’s users, very successfully might I add, that it is an Android problem and instead of having choice over your phone, you should just buy an iPhone.

    As someone who works in IT this is really not the answer users should get. To me, this is equivalent to, “your computer quit working? Just buy a new one.” But imagine you only had one choice and it’s because that company refuses to just improve standard text messaging for all users across the board but iPhone users don’t understand that Google has a method to fix this problem Apple just refuses to make it a better experience for everyone.

    Additionally, I think RCS is an open platform. Google’s fork of it carries encryption and group messaging integration. Point being Google genuinely has a viable iMessage solution to non iMessage texts. Apple wouldn’t even have to stop using iMesaage.