Not sure about the laws wording, but if it is open source just create a branch with a different name.
Not sure about the laws wording, but if it is open source just create a branch with a different name.
Does he work for Nvidia? Seems out of character for him.
Are boycotts illegal? In this case I doubt there was an organized attempt, just some companies making individual business decisions. But even if Twitter can prove there was a boycott, is there a law against that?
Maryland checking in from east central (mideast just did not sound right).
Looks like much of the northern hemisphere does not trust TickTok.
The religion is Shinto and you gain the powers of a kappa
I think Attractive female means you become an attractive female, so the genie got you.
The Little Fuzzy books are some of my favorites.
I read an article about these blue skinned people in the mountains that were given menthol blue to get rid of the blue skin color. I guess it can be ingested safely, but unless you have that genetic condition not sure what it does for you.
Edit: the blue Fugates
Weapons grade sad song: Bookends by Simon & Garfunkel.
Dare Devil, directors cut. I thought it was as good a super hero origins movie as any of the others.
Don’t you have to keep records of every transaction and report them to the IRS ?
Mad Max (all of them, though I only saw part of the first one). It is more of a video game setup then a decent story.
I bet Meta spent a lot of money to develop the Metaverse. Would they really just drop it.
Garbage disposal? They have limited utility, but save you from having to transfer food scraps from the sink to the trash or compost.
The built in ice/water dispenser in the refrigerator is the one that mystifies me.
The isolation may have delayed the impact of covid, but they were hit hard with it when it did get in. They cut off food imports as part of this effort and people were starving. Kim turned down vaccine offers on a couple of occasions, though they may have gotten the Russian vaccine.
How about someone who leaves the tea bag in the mug, sometimes for multiple days? Sips the tea with multiple bags still in it? It creeps me out and I am not even a big tea drinker.
I have a question about these dual fuel cars, gas has a shelf life and can mess up your engine if you let it sit for too long. Would this become an issue if you only make short, electric drives in the car?
I had a cute girl knock on my door once and come into my apartment. She then tried to get me to join some weird cult she was in and I had trouble getting her to leave.