•The Ugly Truth About Spotify Is Finally RevealedEnglish
24 days agoStopped using it when they arbitrarily removed songs from a rapper cause french prime minister had an issue with his lyrics.
Stopped using it when they arbitrarily removed songs from a rapper cause french prime minister had an issue with his lyrics.
Zombie mode from CoD. Most people play it casually but there is a handful of people trying to push the mode to its limit and I’m pretty much in-between those two groups, I lack the skill from the top players but I’m more dedicated and knowledgeable than the casual crowd.
Might depend on the sub but it’s always been part of my experience on reddit. I’ve already been downvoted to something like - 70 for explaining commonly misunderstood game mechanics cause I’m a nerd and when I really like a game I like to know how it works in detail. Those were easily verifiable facts.
Not about the removal of said songs. But basically it’s a rapper known to use lot of controversial metaphors often using lot of etnic stereotypes in his lyrics about pretty much every communities including his own. Some anti antisemitic association compiled lyrics they took issue with on a video they published on twitter and it reached the prime minister. He then tweeted about starting an investigation on said rapper for terrorist and nazi apology in his texts. It went nowhere cause there is simply no such things in those lyrics but apparently deezer didn’t need a conviction to decide some songs had to go. If you want to search for more details rapper name is freeze corleone, be warned tho, he like to play with controversy so a lot of his lyrics contain conplotist bullshit and dictator/terrorist namedroping. But it’s never about their ideology that’s why talking about apology is stupid imo.