Isn’t this what all the second amendment muppets have been screaming about ever since Obama? I bet they won’t do shit
Isn’t this what all the second amendment muppets have been screaming about ever since Obama? I bet they won’t do shit
Phoenix/Firebird/Firefox was an in-house fork of Mozilla.
Back then browsers were still quite simple. today they are probably the most complex piece of software running on your machine - including the OS.
Yeah I run it on my wifi. Yesterday it killed rouvy.com when I wanted to go for a ride. I don’t think it has decreased the number of ads I see either - all devices runs adblockers anyway
Same here, why would I do it myself when they have staff to do it for me? Should I cook my own steak at the restaurant as well?
Also, it would decrease staff and still won’t lower the prices so fuck em
Well with other currencies you sort of have a nation state behind it, backing its value. Failing that, that nations armed services :-)
I don’t get crypto… is there any coin that’s actually usable as, you know, currency?
From what I can gather, none of them scale so each transaction is slooooow and expensive.
The coins themselves carry no value and is backed by jack-shit. Comparing them to baseball cards seems very apt. Baseball cards, bubbles and FOMO.
None of the images in your post loads for me fyi using Voyager
This is such an US post.
Let’s hope so!
But the pessimist in me thinks nobody will do it again without craaaaazy investment behind them. Microsoft tried with edge and surrendered to chromium.
I seriously doubt that Apple and Google would succeed today.