So instead of being bought, he’s being extorted? Yeah that totally makes the current version of his story more valid… Throw this motherfucker off the witness stand and send him on his way, he’s either full of shit or he’s full of shit…
Are we planning on indicting everyone who testifies for the defense on fraud charges? Is that how this shit works now? Tell me how this is an improvement over trump buying witnesses or slipping religious fervor inducing drugs into their food or whatever ye fuck he’s doing to get people to back up his bullshit?
Indicting witnesses isn’t the fucking high road. Fuck trump, but fuck this bullshit too. This is exactly the sort of shit that “defund the police” types bemoan when it’s done to a nobody, but hey, as long as we get trump, it’s all fucking good… it’s fucking not good…
Socialism is left/liberal as a concept (and so is capitalism, in actual fact)… It’s not left/liberal when implemented at scale…
The arbiter of resources, whatever or whoever that may be, invariably becomes right/authoritarian. The simple nature of the arbitration causes it, and a truly left/liberal society would, by necessity, require a lack of said arbitration.
Such a society cannot exist at scale. History has proven that repeatedly. A left/liberal society could arguably only exist as anarchy, and frankly, capitalism is far closer to that than communism is. The “every man for himself” nature of capitalism is inherently more capable of providing individual liberty and equal opportunity than the “to each according to his needs”, very simply because of the inherent requirement of having an entity judge that need… Said judging entity is inherently authoritarian in nature…