They may learn through suffering. The problem with Trump’s first term is that people like her did feel much. He set back climate policy, destroyed alliances, dramatically increased the deficit, and lost more. However, none of that cause her any pain so she kept voting for him. She isn’t wrong about the Dems abandoning her. She just thought the other side was somehow better. Now hopefully she will learn. Unfortunately, there are going to be lots of people that are going to be harmed for the next 4 years for her to learn this lesson.
If she wants empathy, she should try to empathize with the people she hurt and is hurting with her vote. She only seems to think of herself while asking others to be empathetic.
Doesn’t seem likely unless he was renting. Even if you miss one mortgage payment, your bank can’t take your house that fast. If he was renting, he might have been threatened with eviction and chose to leave.