If the deportation doesn’t have to be documented, they could just burn the people like trash, or, Jews… but apparently that never happened, and Schindler’s List is fiction.
If the deportation doesn’t have to be documented, they could just burn the people like trash, or, Jews… but apparently that never happened, and Schindler’s List is fiction.
Signal of what?
Well, they will buy the same people back from the government for a penny on the dollar, and then they will own them.
Right, which means putting them in… let’s call them “camps,” and holding them there is cheaper than arranging transportation. This could also provide free labor… or “slaves” if you will, which has been at the top of the GOP’s… I mean, Confederate’s list of desires for centuries.
Sure, but that’s not the reason.
Ahem, Vietnam? Don’t blame veterans. It’s not a military problem. It’s a man problem. Our culture pushes men to be a certain way, and makes them feel bad when they are not that way. Education helps get over this, but most people are getting little to no education.
Every one of those MAGA people WANT the shit storm he will bring. It’s not even about politics for a lot of them. They want to own the libs. The problem with this two party system is that it literally splits us in two on a social level. To be blue, you have to want abortion and trans rights and be all “soft” and “liberal,” which for some reason makes people uncomfortable. And to be red, you have to want to take rights away from women and round up the immigrants.
The MAGA hate the “libs” more than the libs hate the MAGA… and that’s why they showed up in such great numbers.
Oh, they will all be privatized. And the income will be from selling them as labor.