If they’re coming from Reddit, they probably expect a little negging.
If they’re coming from Reddit, they probably expect a little negging.
They get all the nsfw traffic for the full quarter, and use that for their earnings report. Pretty damn dishonest.
Ok, they won’t shut down USAID, but all US employees are fired and computers removed and buildings condemned. It’s still operating.
Sure, kinda like saying, if it looks like shit and it smells like shit, it’s probably shit. Apt metaphor.
I guess I’m just wondering about the intent. Like, is it possible to prove that an algorithm was designed to have a bias vs the bias is a natural result of what people spend their time watching. I am sure it’s the former, but how does one prove that without leaks from the inside.
Better than going to ABC and CBS for your news!
Using a controlled experiment involving hundreds of simulated user accounts, the study found that Republican-leaning accounts received significantly more ideologically aligned content than Democratic-leaning accounts, while Democratic-leaning accounts were more frequently exposed to opposing viewpoints.
Does this mean the algorithm was designed to push a republican agenda? Or does the algorithm know that liberals are more likely to watch videos from the opposing side than conservatives?
I don’t doubt that billion dollar social media companies wanted Trump to win and put their fingers on the scale in whatever way they could. But I wonder how you can prove the algorithm is pushing an ideology at the expense of its users as opposed to the algorithm is just pushing the ideology that gets the most views from its users.
Tesla may also refuse to sell you any future vehicles
Oh no 😥
Maybe he just wanted a free trip home.
I’m gonna guess this might be different 4 years from now. I would think it’s in the best interest of other countries to lessen their dependence on the USA for certain things.
Flohcebook mohktplohce
Less of a boycott and more of a logical business decision.
But the reality is that hepatitis B is a disease that affects many infants and young children worldwide. And unfortunately, the younger you get the virus, the more likely it is to become a chronic infection that can cause cirrhosis or liver cancer. While most diseases are more severe if you get them as an adult, hepatitis B is paradoxically worse if you get it young. Infants less than one year old who get hepatitis B have an 80-90 per cent chance of developing a chronic infection, compared to 30-50 per cent of children under 6 and less than 5 per cent of adults.
Omfg, this is why I hate Rand Paul so much. He’s a fucking doctor. He should know this shit and yet he’s still getting up in the senate and saying giving children a hepatitis B vaccine doesn’t make sense because they are not sexually active. His comments will lead to a kid getting hepatitis B and having the negative affects and it will be Rand Paul’s fault.
the reason you have distrust from people at home and why they don’t believe anything you say and they don’t believe government at all is you’re telling my kid to take a Hepatitis B vaccine when he’s one day old. You get it through drug use and sexually transmitted. That’s how you get Hepatitis B, but you’re telling me my kid has to take it at one day old … that’s not science.
The “That’s not science” kills me. Just because you don’t understand the science doesn’t mean it isn’t science.
It’s been rigged for 40 years to keep candidates like Bernie Sanders out and push shitty candidates forward. Controlling the rules is rigging it.
Nah dude, Bernie was WAY more popular than you’re giving him credit for. That’s revisionist history. He won multiple states in the primaries. That doesn’t happen for a Reddit echo chamber candidate. He even won important states like Michigan and Wisconsin.
He really did shake up the Democratic Party, which is why they panicked and did everything they could to push Bernie out. Both in 2016 and 2020.
Don’t worry, none of these would make the news.
Exclusive contracts at 20% mark up. Can’t wait for all police vehicles to switch over to teslas.
My company has been fighting fascism this whole time. Wow!
Pennsylvania moved far to the right in 2024. He’s probably just trying to keep his job. Primary him with an liberal and we’ll end up with a republican in PA. Same thing happened with Joe Manchin.