Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, “move fast and break things” approaches

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  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • This is why I decided to learn Nix. I built dev environment flakes that provision the devshell for any language I intend to use. I actually won’t even bother unless I can get something working reliably with Nix. ;)

    For example, here’s a flake that I use for my Python dev environment to provide all needed wiring and setup for an interactive Python web scraper I built:

      description = "Interactive Web Scraper";
      inputs = {
        nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs?ref=nixpkgs-unstable";
        utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
      outputs = { self, nixpkgs, utils }: utils.lib.eachSystem ["x86_64-linux"] (system: let
        pkgs = import nixpkgs { system = system; };
      in rec {
        packages = {
          pyinputplus = pkgs.python3Packages.buildPythonPackage rec {
            pname = "pyinputplus";
            version = "0.2.12";
            src = pkgs.fetchPypi {
              inherit pname version;
              sha256 = "sha256-YOUR_SHA256_HASH_HERE";
          pythonEnv =
            pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ webdriver-manager openpyxl pandas requests beautifulsoup4 websocket-client selenium packages.pyinputplus ]);
        devShell = pkgs.mkShell {
          buildInputs = [
          shellHook = ''
            export PATH=${pkgs.chromium}/bin:${pkgs.undetected-chromedriver}/bin:$PATH

  • Perhaps. I tend to listen to Snowden when it comes to tech. But I haven’t used it yet because all of the implementations I could use involved a bitcoin wallet. I’m a fan of crypto but that felt weird.

    Someone else reassured me that NOSTR is a very open platform and that requirement wasn’t true.

    From my research, I have found it to be far more decentralized than Lemmy’s (and the pub/sub) federated model, which would also, obviously have the same drawbacks that we see in other truly decentralized tech like crypto, torrents, and tor where you are on your own in the world, forced to literally keep the ocean of shit from infecting you! 😉

    So, I think of those things as necessary evils. For example, if I used NOSTR, I could have an address that follows me no matter what. That cryptographic hash is my NOSTR identity for better or worse. That’s pretty powerful and far more secure than a two step verification process in the long run.

    I don’t know enough about it yet. But I’d say it is a raw technology that I wouldn’t allow the criminals and trolls of the world define for me.

  • It’s slower

    and virtually impossible to hack

    It’s harder to use

    and virtually impossible to hack

    It’s full of scams

    people are idiots. I have literally never been scammed. If it’s not open source and a small group of insiders have massive bags of it, don’t invest, dumbass. Invest in cryptocurrencies that are TRULY decentralized by actually using your brain and reading.

    It’s backed by nothing

    It has intrinsic value. Gold is only worth something because someone says it has value.

    There is no consumer protection

    It easily could if regulators weren’t intentionally wishy washy about whether it is legal or not. Regulation will come. Sounds like you’re REALLY chomping at the bit to have the inevitable alternative: revocable central bank digital currencies.

    It amplifies the existing problems of the financial system instead of solving them (money laundering/scams/financial inequality)

    Not really. It is FAR more auditable than legacy systems. People are dumb. AI magnified how dumb companies are and so did crypto. People that understand it and AI will use it well. Those that villainize it (just like AI) do so because they are brainwashed by polarized viewpoints (just like AI). The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

    It’s dominated by the same rich cunts you’re trying to escape, but they’re even worse in crypto

    That’s not true. Look at the financial holdings of billionaires in fiat vs. crypto. It’s FAR more egalitarian than fiat. You have to be talking about some fairly shitty cryptocurrencies for that to be true. Ethereum and Bitcoin have massive institutional investment. Their money is as green as anyone else’s.

    All networks generally need L2s because they’re so shit and slow

    It’s called architecture. Do you also not see the need for GPU’s and dedicated modules on a motherboard? Should the CPU do everything. Multithreading is bad I guess? Are you aware of what decentralization and parallelism can accomplish in technological spaces? Do you actually know what an L2 is? Seems like you don’t understand it.

  • Interesting you talk about gatekeeping information when you’re literally parroting crypto echo chamber rhetoric because if you dare suggest anything other than crypto is the future you will instantly get shut down. It’s a cult, basically.

    Interesting that you don’t even have enough self-awareness or knowledge of the problem domains you claim to understand to see that you’re doing the EXACT same thing.

    You parroted partially true (cherry picked) all the way down to completely untrue things about the properties of this technology. If you understood the technology in the first place, you’d recognize that. There are so many different permutations of it and you paint it with the broadest brush possible.

    Tell me, do you know about proof of stake? Do you know what proof of work is? Do you understand the concept of an oracle?

    Of course it doesn’t solve every problem (it won’t ever be used to stream video…of course…did anyone ever say it would?)…but the ones it DOES solve (that you pretend it hasn’t) are not achievable with any as of yet known technology.

    Here’s just one that I’d love to see you pretend could exist on any other technology: Digital Identity and Land Deeds in war-torn (or even no longer existing) countries. Let’s say bombs destroy any paper deeds or even deeds on the servers all around a country. A person fleeing the country might return to the country and be homeless because they couldn’t prove that they owned that land. On a decentralized public blockchain, those deeds can be minted and henceforth can never be erased. Even if the official body that authorized them to be minted goes under or out of power, they are, in fact, IMPOSSIBLE TO ERASE SINCE THEY ARE ON A DECENTRALIZED BLOCKCHAIN and would be very hard if not impossible to discredit. The person would be legally able to get their house back.

    Another one is voting. Electronic voting on a PUBLIC DECENTRALIZED blockchain would be literally the ONLY way to achieve a fully-open, auditable election. Furthermore, if you’re proposing that a similar centralized government solution (equal in all other ways other than one being truly decentralized and the other not) is even remotely similar in its robustness and trustworthiness, you’re SURELY being disingenuous.

    There are TONS more but I don’t feel like wasting my time writing a term paper for someone that is clearly being disingenuous, parroting some world bank wage-slave neoliberal nonsense in the first place.

  • You don’t want decentralization? Your argument against crypto is that we still use centralized systems? We will do that until we don’t. That’s like way back before cars were ubiquitous, seeing a car and saying, “we use the horse and buggy.” Yes we do. The car replaces the horse and buggy in many important ways. It takes a while to catch on, though. In the same way, IMO technology should always be guided toward further decentralization unless we WANT the powers that be to be the gatekeepers of information.

    Honestly, even without crypto attached to it, I’d say the next version of the internet WILL be more servers running by independent operators and less centralization in data centers. It is inevitable regardless of anything I wrote here. Centralization is bad for so many reasons…the most damning of which is censorship.

  • I just wish your perspective was the norm. As these platforms catch on, that toxicity you mention becomes inevitable. Also tired of fleeing. I sincerely hope we don’t have to find a way to tie financial incentive into this relatively untainted community.

    As far as I’m concerned, whatever they’re selling here in OP’s article ain’t it. And perhaps my ideas (above) of a future decentralized fediverse are misguided too.

    I will say this: I don’t WANT to find a way to monetize this stuff. People are just increasingly more desperate for money. As the world gets worse, people are going to get increasingly more desperate to find a unique niche to fill to make a living.

  • Are we so hive-minded here on Lemmy that we have been brainwashed into hating crypto so much that we, a DECENTRALIZED community, have decided to start a centralized service to pay posters rather than use the trustless, decentralized systems literally DESIGNED for that purpose that already exist?

    All crypto isn’t a scam, people. Stop scoring own-goals against the big banksters and do your part against crypto scams by thoroughly vetting crypto projects before you put your trust in them rather than blindly believing that they’re ALL out to scam you.

    This idea should obviously be implemented with cryptocurrency but of course it isn’t because of our unfounded vilification of an entire industry that is clearly more philosophically aligned with the principles of the fediverse than centralized, legacy systems that we’ve been duped into continuing to support.
