edit: I can see it from lemm.ee
edit: I can see it from lemm.ee
It’s “I didn’t taste it, let alone finish it.” not “I didn’t finish it, let alone taste it.”. Not those exact words, of course. People get it wrong more often than not IME. The wrong version never makes sense, and it always trips me up.
Dude, the CPU instructions are right there, of course it’s open source.
*kid in the backseat stuffs another teddy bear in there*
It’s not an unheard of choice. Many cartoons have their characters’ eyes sort of bulging out of their head. It’s only one more step to just have them outside of the body completely.
Personally, not a fan.
Comment haz a typo in it; it should be it not itt ☝️🤓
Free spiderbro. How generous!
I mean, if you have a billysbool class anyway, you’d make its truthiness correct according to bossman’s scheme, and then the not operator would work correctly.
This but I am tucked up in bed.
Living a healthy life is even slower death, actually.
Sure, “-∞ < ∞” is a useful concept, but it is not the same thing as when we talk about the sizes of infinities. What we mean by that is how many numbers it contains: (1,2,3,4…) contains fewer numbers than (1.0,…,1.1,…,1.5,…,2.0,…,2.5,…), but how large the actual numbers are, doesn’t matter. The second example contains just as many numbers, is just as “large”, as (1.0,…,2.0).
edit: Sorry for the snarky tone, I was going for nerd maths boy. Hope I at least am technically correct.
She reminds me of Princess Bubblegum, and her friend is a passable Finn (the Human) Mertens
The piece of stick. Though I couldn’t so positively identify it, hence the momentary confusion!
Hehe 49.9K subs.
For a second, I thought that was a shell casing next to the frog. Which, admittedly, would have made for a more intriguing narrative.
you could have benches shoot fire periodically like every hour or so. regular users would rarely be affected, but if anyone tries to sleep on it, they won’t do it again.