Ironically, “tanker” was a slang created by the not-as-communist people, like the Chinese, to criticize the soviets.
They really didn’t imagine who would perfect the practice.
Ironically, “tanker” was a slang created by the not-as-communist people, like the Chinese, to criticize the soviets.
They really didn’t imagine who would perfect the practice.
OMG, they just discovered it’s a continent!
Most people are way above (possibly in the top 1%) the average in a bunch of things.
Well, you know… you can’t attribute any one event with certainty.
Only 9 of the last 10 apocalypses were caused by global warming, and we can’t really tell you which ones…
And time, hostname, power settings…
If you mean X, that “lives” there deserve some quotes.
Isn’t the enterprise entirely held by those energy fields?
It gets new holes all the time anyway.
I just noticed… He had the solution to that wraith possession all the time, he just refused to use it.
There’s nothing to decide. Wayland is the way of the future, and Enterprise will definitively upgrade to it some time before sd. 48681, as soon as they get some free time to do it!
“Watch-out for airplanes” is a good sign to have on the standard.
Well, is some mix of alternative futures that may or may not pan-out on reality.
The joke is exactly that Japanese and SK company make everything, differently from the US ones.
Anakin: In my view, it’s the observations that are wrong!
Dark matter (WIMPs) has a lot of known issues, the largest one being that we should probably already have seen it (but not certainly, we just excluded almost all of it, not all). None of those is strong enough to really kill the theory, it is still the best one we have, but to firmly believe in it is something else.
But yeah, AFAIK the judge is still out on whether this is even a change from the previous model or we just calculated things wrong.
Unless he has some kind of mental problem, he must not stop forming himself.
I think there’s a very large correlation between people that decide to use electron and people that write unusable, broken, tortoise-speed software.
Because it really doesn’t need to be slow for user-interacting software. In fact, I don’t think any platform exists that is so bloated that it can make modern computers slow for user-interaction.
He can’t be from another time if he is there right now…
Do we know that?
I mean, wasn’t that Einstein guy that said that if it’s true, we will never truly know it?
Yeah, dust is not what you need to care about. But it’s not good to have a printer indoors.
There are enclosed printers that you can plug ventilation ducts that solve this problem. Some have filters, but any filter without a molecular sieve (usually activated coal) won’t help you, because the problem isn’t with dust.
Resin printers also give you problems on handling the resin. It’s not enough to enclose those printers, you need protection equipment and a place to deal with the supplies and recent prints.
Who is she? Does she work at all?