I spent some time looking into this, getting nowhere. What’s your favorite library that actually works for you?
I spent some time looking into this, getting nowhere. What’s your favorite library that actually works for you?
I don’t use a sound bar because it’s cheap, I can get surround sound for half the price.
I use a sound bar because I don’t want speakers anywhere but on the TV, plus a subwoofer hidden away.
And it sounds waaay better than just the TV.
(Although the box said that it delivers surround sound, but in that respect it’s no better than the built in speakers, as expected.)
I live in Denmark, here the chargers are placed where people park anyway. Grocery stores, parking lots, rest stops…
It’s getting so easy to find a fast charger/resto combo, that we don’t even plan it from home.
I’ve seen few 200+ watts chargers without looking for them, but the car is ready faster than I am anyway.
Number of features that is has? Sure.
Number of features that I need? Google Sheets wins.
As I use Excel at work, I’d be happy if you prove me wrong here. Just yesterday I needed to do a simple search/replace with regular expressions. My solution was to copy the data to Google Sheets.