Some people recommend dual booting. I recommend having at least one cheap SBC in your home that’s dedicated to running Linux, and eventually to keep Windows on big enough machines for professional work, video games, and so on.
But the kids? Sure, they should run Linux, unless specified otherwise by their schools, until they’re old enough to decide by themselves.
I’d encourage you to push for free software if you’re stuck on Windows, but that’s another issue, I just think you might keep this machine on Windows and install Linux on a lowtech computer. It depends on what you need Linux for but with my eeePC the only bottleneck is the web.
As a CEO you may either attract more contents creators by paying them more or by lowering the quality of your editorial curation. It means you may either risk bankruptcy or knowingly foster depression at a global scale, unless like Mozilla’s Pocket you chose to piggyback on a decentralized model and have no skin in the game.
People have brought up Kendrick Lamar but I’m sorry, he’s never been recommended by my partner’s Spotify account. Not even once.