Other countries? We have plenty of minorities here to genocide first, or at least in tandem!
Other countries? We have plenty of minorities here to genocide first, or at least in tandem!
Now that I look at it it could’ve been used as syllable indicator, but I’d guess that Bosun and Bo’s’n were developed separately in regions with different languages where each spelling was easier for local populations
I too wish for change, and I recognize that turmoil, suffering may be part of the process. However, I am sorry for those that are victims, because losing empathy for the sake of change is not a healthy form of change.
You’re not a Republican? Why the celebratory let’s go then?
And for everyone else that was barred from representation? This isnt going to hurt who you think it will.
You think the sailors were passing notes mate?
The magic of forking!
Someone doesn’t know how to read writing on walls I see.
Ironfox is a solid alternative there too
Virtually all of your examples involve US hegemony instigating and winning, the same group doing the current stuff. Why does a war ending count as becoming less evil if it’s always by the same instigator and they keep winning, jumping from conflict to conflict? Have you considered that the evil keeps winning and suppressing the good through compliance or murder?
What is we compare the most intense 25 years of the 20th to the current 25 and label the instigators?
You can find many more if you search for “electron”
The capitalist will sell you the rope for his own noose or something?
After dealing with acute lead poisoning of >300× in a US capitol, I believe it.
In the mood? From what I see rn, that would simply be grounds for a landwar.
You’re 21, check back in a decade and you’ll see.
Can someone explain the punch line.
You drinking it later is on you.
You dont wash your dishes?
Virtue signaling is different than signaling virtues. Here it’s referring to halfassing it when they can’t actually do anything about it.
You mean the 2000s Republicans dressed in blue?