Puerto Rico is not autonomous. In Puerto Rico v. Sanchez Valle, the US Supreme Court found that sovereignty of Puerto Rico ultimately resides in the United States Congress. The US Congress can pass a law for Puerto Rico and there is nothing anyone in the Puerto Rican government can do about it. US Congress has ultimate control over Puerto Rico (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PROMESA as an example). That isn’t autonomous.
“If Congress chose to alter Puerto Rico’s political status, it could do so through statute regardless of whether a plebiscite were held or what sentiment such a vote revealed.” Political Status of Puerto Rico: Brief Background and Recent Developments for Congress (https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44721/7)
To everyone saying this is AI, I can assure you it’s not. It’s an editorial blog from a well known journalist. He does write in a more relaxed conversational style but I am sure, after following his site for over 20 years now, he’s not using AI.
It was written less than an hour after his previous post so I’m sure there was a lot he was tracking before throwing this out there.
As to the story itself, I have seen where a lot of organizations have pushed guidance not to respond until leadership tells everyone what to do. At least in the DoD. I don’t know how everyone is supposed to respond by Monday night anyway, some people have schedules where they don’t work on Monday.