As appropriate for a post about fish I’ve taken the bait and looked up just what the fuck is going on. It’s a barreleye or macropinna microstoma and it’s pretty cool.
Everyone remember to be kind to the newbies, not assume that they immediately understand how the fediverse works, and not to talk about your favourite Linux distro until the second date
That would be the case if the king was currently in check, but as he’s currently on a safe space then it’s stalemate
I misread it at first too, but it says “lacks one of the following traits”
False vacuum decay is one of those theoretical things that we have no way of knowing if it could ever even happen. Now gamma ray bursts, they’re out there happening right now and could kill you just as instantly!
Test can never fail if it never makes any real assertions!
My tests always pass! They’ve never failed, that’s how good a programmer I am!
Here’s a version without the bad crop, comedy homicide, pointless circle around the punchline, and puritanical censoring
I believe it might be a joke
I’m here to educate and disgust!
Mate, wait til you find out that’s what the human bellend is hypothesised to have evolved for!
I didn’t resist the urge and now I’m many layers deep in reading through this colossal wiki
Weirdly it’s exactly how 40k Space Marines work!
Ugh, I’d prefer you throw it in the harbour!
Why are they drinking it with the bag still in ಠ_ಠ
Facebook’s Threads already exists, so I guess they discovered it last year
The big question I have is “is there a way to bulk request removal of all photos I’m tagged in”. I can’t currently think of a better way than messaging everyone who uploaded them, hoping they might still use Facebook and see my message, and then hoping they’re happy to delete the photos!
A thousand different people and you all recognise them by name? Sounds like a great community!
Fixing something minor and annoying in your house by yourself is actually incredibly satisfying though