“I am a real American,
Fight for the rights of every man…”
Well the top part is true, I guess…
“I am a real American,
Fight for the rights of every man…”
Well the top part is true, I guess…
Ah right, well no surprises there
Apes together… (beats chest)
OOTL? his wiki has some sex scandal thing but nothing that would make me think he was despicable
I might need to split my mind in two and wait a thousand years to get this one
Spiders are usually Bros, but sometimes they’re assholes.
Had one in the bathroom, whilst I was showering. What did he do with all the hot steamy air? Why, crawl towards it of course. Never mind the frequent misteps that threatened to drop him on the floor because, oh I dont know, the ceiling is wet - no - crawling precariously to the danger is the most reasonable response…
Later that day, I’m just chilling on the toilet with my phone, and he wants to drop by to say hello. How does he do it? Hang down slowly and land in front of me? Lower himself onto the toilet cistern so as not to disturb me?
Hell no! Fucker decides to lower himself next to my ear and tickle it, so that I immediately respond with a hand slap that sends him into pieces.
I miss him in a weird way, but he was a real asshole.
Maybe, but I have to admit that I’ve never seen a spider hitchhiking on the side of a road.
We could use the ample DNA samples he’s provided to bring him back and ask him
A nice white background on a red backdrop would communicate our bold passion
Relax, don’t do it
When you want to sock it to it
Dunno, I do think about this comic a lot from time to time.
Our desperate ability to communicate, our social hangups, watching another’s world from the outside and wondering how to break through
I can relate to this a lot
(5) Had to unlock the phone first, and then allow the microphone, and then swipe up
Coldplay is the U2 of late millenials. Do with that info, what you will
We should follow the Lithuanian form of greeting your coworkers: walk into the room without making eye-contact and sit impassively at your desk.
If anyone tries to convince you that the day is “good”, nod gruffly.
Hmm. I guess I iterate between the two a lot then. I’d also be surprised if most people didn’t