Neat. I’ll bookmark this
Neat. I’ll bookmark this
Lots of good tips here. Thanks for all the details. I did join fallout76, but a little later I’ll try these tips searching for some other communities I’m interested in.
So far, I think I’ll stick with I like the name and I don’t need super smooth behavior. I’ll take it as an opportunity to learn more about how the gears turn.
Thanks! I didn’t realize the search would be impacted by that.
Iits not a lot, but it’s crazy that it happened twice.
Use the dishwasher cleaning tablet then cross it off the list too!
Hyperion was a fun read. Definitely recommend. I had a small book club and it was fun to talk about.
When Mom doesn’t understand the vibe. “No, we have working class hero at home.”
Ew. Yes, this is exactly what I meant.
Consent is too woke for Florida
🌟 I’ll bring you some cookies for Christmas.
Viheart numberphile
What a delightfully divisive statement. We do all need to start somewhere though, and losing months of work is very discouraging!
I wish it were easy to do. Mail in voting is a game changer. Check out how difficult it is in Alabama, for example:
Wait, is it real?
🐈🐈🐈🐈 you’ve got your cats in a row!
A/s/l (that’s much easier to type on a computer keyboard than a phone)
Yeah, except Joe doesn’t just say “yes”. He’s got some corpo speak about making sure outcomes align with the the most emergent needs and ensuring Joe has a he right information to manage expectations.