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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 18th, 2024


  • It’s a white thing. Nothing is a monolith, mileage always varies, but look at what, middle of the bell curve, look at what our culture does. Take a close, hard look at nursing homes. Many cultures don’t have them. We do. Why? Because each generation tends to have a “I have my own life to live” attitude.

    Get out of the house. No, really. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you still living at home? Are you deficient? Lazy? A mooch? Do you lack adulting capacity? What is wrong with you? Why are you 20(+) and still living at home? 30 and still at home? You probably don’t qualify as human any more.

    This attitude from the very people who then end up abandoned in a nursing home by these kids they pushed out, later. Some, loudly lamenting how their kids abandoned them there, never come to visit, and are now living in their house.

    Multigenerational is moving in, yes, but it’s not where things started, for sure. Some white parents even charge rent at 18.

    Mileage varies. My white family did none of this. My mom is in a mother in law apartment on my property. Her parents lived with us. I lived with her during college. And so on.

    But there’s a prevailing get out of the house as soon as high scho graduation hits, and an “I have my own life to live” attitude.

  • If he’d just fact check the statistics by, idk, maybe talking to medical personnel, he’d know the late term “abortion” statistics are stillbirth removal. The procedure used to do a stillbirth removal: abortion. That’s where the confusion comes in. Removal of the fetus for any reason is an abortion. Statistics don’t document the details on the procedure.

    So he’s already talking crazy. And then he’s saying they’re executing infants after birth. What is that? How do you even get to that place that those words are allowed to earnestly spill from your mouth?

  • He was so thrown off. Debate summary:


    Kamala: This is a man easily led around by his ego by people like Putin and Kim Jong Un.


    Trump: But immigrants. Democrats kill babies after they’re born.


    Moderator: Sir, in none of the 50 states are they killing babies after they are born.


    Trump: But immigrants. Kamala isn’t about law and order.


    Kamala: I’ve locked people up. I’ll lock you up.


    Trump: But immigrants. Kamala wants to take away your guns.


    Kamala: I own a gun.


    Moderator: Question Kamala doesn’t want to or can’t answer.


    Kamala: Let me invite you to one of Trumps rallies. Where the crowd sizes are small and people start to leave out of boredom.


    Trump: Takes bait, thus proving Kamala’s opening remark.


    Also Trump: But immigrants. They’re eating the cats and dogs.


    Moderator: Sir, spoiler alert, they’re not eating the cats and dogs. Per the mayor or Springfield, there are no reports of missing animals.


    Trump, looking every one of his 78 years: But immigrants. They’re eating the cats and dogs. I saw it on the television.


    Kamala: … 🙄😮😧🙄😃😄🙄…


    Moderator: Sir, they’re not eating the cats and dogs.


    Trump, after debate: I clearly won. The only reason they want another debate is because they lost, that’s what losers do, ask for a rematch.


    Also, there’s a school of thought out there that Trump has a little crush on Kamala. Creepy, but credible. They’re citing a prior 9/11 memorial get together where you see him on camera more or less asking for an introduction to her. If it’s true, she knows. She’s been gorgeous her whole life, has navigated that garbage for ~45yrs now. She knows. If it’s there she knows. And she stepped into his personal bubble to shake hands at the very start. He was a little startled. If he is indeed crushing, that would set a guy like Trump back on his heels even more so than the usual. He doesn’t even have a shitty little nickname for her, why? Paints the crowd size/bored dig in a new light as well.

    That and she had moderate conservative answers for everything. He didn’t know how to debate that.