• Lauchs@lemmy.world
    30 days ago

    “You’ve had two beers, I’m getting a ride home with tequila Tim.”

    “He just puked on himself and rinsed his mouth with three more shots!”

    “Whatever. I might die and we might kill some randoms on the way home buy maybe you’ll learn your lesson for next time!”

    • HomerianSymphony@lemmy.world
      29 days ago

      [but] maybe you’ll learn your lesson for next time!

      Or you could realize that those two drivers are not your only options. Get a cab, walk to a bus stop, or find a different driver.

      It’s not about teaching Tim a lesson. It’s about getting yourself home safely.

      • Lauchs@lemmy.world
        29 days ago

        What is the other option in American democracy? A third party that’s not going to win?

        • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
          28 days ago

          Do you think that people should ONLY vote for a party that is going to win? That’s not very democratic.

          I’m voting third party. And proud of it.

          • Lauchs@lemmy.world
            27 days ago

            I mean, if you want things to get better, yes.

            Voting a third party is fine as long as you understand you are enabling trump and are making things worse for Palestineans and the millions who will suffer from worse climate change outcomes etc.

            If that’s something to feel proud about, that’s, well, up to you.

            • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
              27 days ago

              I mean, if you want things to get better, yes.

              Like I said, that’s not very democratic. And I’m very glad that not everyone believes that.

              Voting a third party is fine as long as you understand you are enabling trump

              Nope. If I wanted to vote for Trump, I’d vote for Trump. Like almost half of the country is doing.

              If that’s something to feel proud about, that’s, well, up to you.

              Very proud to vote third party! Thank you!

              • Lauchs@lemmy.world
                27 days ago

                Voting a third party is fine as long as you understand you are enabling trump

                Nope. If I wanted to vote for Trump, I’d vote for Trump. Like almost half of the country is doing.

                Pretending your choices don’t have consequences is childish and not a position worthy of respect.

                If you see a toddler running into traffic and you don’t stop them, sure you didn’t make it happen but you are still responsible. Similarly, if you understand the pain that trump will cause and you don’t help stop it, that’s on you.

                It’s your choice but be adult enough to admit the consequences of your choice.

                • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
                  26 days ago

                  Pretending your choices don’t have consequences is childish and not a position worthy of respect.

                  Pretending that just because one doesn’t vote for democrats, MUST be enabling Trump, is childish and not a position worthy of respect.

                  Voting for a candidate that aligns with my values is a responsible and thoughtful choice, not a refusal to acknowledge consequences.

                  Supporting third-party candidates challenges the status quo and pushes for the real change that major parties often ignore.

                  Blaming voters for the actions of others oversimplifies the complexity of our political system and ignores the importance of advocating for what we truly believe in.

                  It’s your choice but be adult enough to admit the consequences of your choice.

                  Yes, it IS my choice, and I explained why I am doing it, and I’m proud of it. Nothing you have said has changed my mind at all. I vote for Green Party and Socialist causes/issues. And I will continue so. Regardless of how many try to bully me or try to sway my vote.

                  • Lauchs@lemmy.world
                    24 days ago

                    Pretending that just because one doesn’t vote for democrats, MUST be enabling Trump, is childish and not a position worthy of respect.

                    Really? The trumpian “I’m rubber, you’re glue” style of rhetoric?

                    I think though, you’re missing the point of the earlier example so I’ll simplify by labelling.

                    You want to eat some ice cream. (That’s voting third party.) As you’re about to take a bite, a small child runs into the road (this is the consequences of a trump victory, say more dead Palestineans, no chance to mitigate climate change etc.) Now, you are the closest “adult.” Sure, the kid’s parents (the rest of America) should be there to stop this from happening so you can just enjoy your ice cream. Unfortunately, saving the child requires dropping the ice cream.

                    That’s kind of the scenario. Now, legally, I don’t think you would be liable for choosing the ice cream over saving the child. But, morally… Well, I’m just curious as to whether the answer is still “meh, screw 'em, I’d like my ice cream.” or how the analogy doesn’t apply.

                    To be a responsible member of a democratic society, it is important to consider, appreciate and acknowledge the choices of our votes.