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In a double boost for Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Friday afternoon threw his backing behind the former president in the 2024 presidential election while Jill Stein unequivocally stated she will not drop out of the race.

    • Socialist
      26 days ago

      But do you think, with your attitude, anyone is gonna read that and go, “OMG, he’s soooo right. I’ve been totally wrong”?

      OR do you think people have already pretty much made up their minds, resent you trying to make them feel stupid, and then it reinforces that they are doing the right thing because some people are such dicks to people who vote third party?

      The hate and vitriol (and bullying) that I have received for voting third party, 100 percent reinforced that I want no part of the Democratic Party. Some people on here can be just as ugly and hateful in their comments as the Republicans are.

      I’ve been called a Russian asset and/or Russian troll farm worker almost daily. Let’s not even mention the Russianphobic comments and the hate in those now. Do you guys hear yourselves?! It’s getting very ugly about how hateful you are when talking about Russians. You wanna hate Putin, fine. But not all Russians are evil.

      Democrats are getting as bad as Republicans in their hate now. And yes, I mean that.

      I was a third party supporter before, but after being on Lemmy for these last two weeks, I’m even more convinced that I made the right choice!

      (And yes guys, I am fine with your screen shots of how many posts I have posted, and the exact count of days I have been on. That does nothing to stop me. And does nothing for your arguments.)