While pattern-seeking will indeed help you to avoid predators (and connect imagery to extremely over-memed webcomics), it’s also useful for so much more!
it’s also useful for so much more!
Like seeing ghosts when you tune an old TV to static!
Getting tired of the loss resurgence but this was inspired. Kudos my friend
The internet has proven to be very clever with its “loss” memes. I keep seeing innovative and/or fun applications of it before I ever feel they’re getting stale.
Loss is just this generation’s “The Game”, change my mind.
The fuck, I lost, AGAIN!
That’s twice now, today.
I really like this one, because there’s two jokes in it. One is that our pattern seeking brain allowed us to study evolution, our genome, etc. And the other is the Loss pattern meme, which I didn’t even notice at first.
I don’t get it