Not to rain on the zombie parade, but the article says it ‘may have’ exactly once, with no supporting evidence. Then it goes on to say wild pigs have caught it, which means domestic pigs and hunters could catch it.
I mean, it probably will happen at the rate we’re going, but it hasn’t yet.
The word, “May” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.
The CDC says that no cases of CWD have been detected in humans to date, but add that this may be a possibility in the future.
They have said that forever though.
So we’re doing this now…
Depending on how many prions you are exposed to, the incubation period of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is 15 months to over 30 years. I imagine CWD is similar. There could be many infected people who are still oblivious. Or there could be none. It will be academically interesting to watch this play out.
CWD is just how TSE, or prion disease, is named when it affects deer. It’s the same thing as Creutzfeldt–Jakob. The incubation period is not really known though, or at least the average / median incubation period varies wildly depending on the source
dont give me hope
Don’t eat meat, and you’re pretty much immune
It’s caused by prions.
So it could end up on broccoli 🥦
Via brain worms??