Doesn’t surprise me, a C-17 is not laid out for passenger efficiency. Commercial planes and their schedules are all laid out to maximize efficiency (and thus profit).
The military is expressly prohibited from conducting law enforcement activities like deportation under the posse comitatus act.
We should not be talking about costs. We should be talking about prosecuting the entire chain of command between the president and the aircrew who actually performed the mission, in federal court and/or state court of any state they passed through on their way out of the country.
Posse comitatus doesn’t apply to the deportations, as they are assisting federal law enforcement agencies under 10 USC ch15 and under a declaration of a National Emergency.
It is a fair argument to pursue testing the validity of that in court, but they haven’t done that because they don’t believe they have a case.
Using taxes for healthcare - bad. Using taxes to get rid of brown people - good. The mental capacity of some people is amazing.
“But if we use taxes for healthcare, some of my tax money would go to brown people and other people I hate. How is that fair at all?”
That’s exactly why the US doesn’t have social programs, except it started with not wanting it to go to black people.
Black is just a darker shade of brown
Point is it goes way further back.
Honestly, this is a strawman. There are so many reasons this is bad, we don’t have to pretend they are logically inconsistent if they aren’t actually. If you believe taxes should only be used for national defense/sovereignty/enforcing individual liberties on a national scale, then that is completely consistent. I’m not saying it’s good, but if people are here illegally and their kids are getting free public education, then they are using resources “meant for Americans/legal residents” and they are “stealing” them. Wanting to stop that isn’t inconsistent with not wanting M4A. M4A is good, and what Trump is doing is bad, but it’s bad policy, not inconsistent.
Well see, using the money to hurt brown people makes healthcare cheaper somehow. You can’t just use the money for healthcare because that helps Brown people too. And we can’t have that
the cruelty, and the message, was the entire point
Yes. Really sick of people pretending it’s about the money. They want them to be miserable so they don’t come back and so people stop associating America with a place of refuge. If they could get away with actually torturing them before sending them back they would, just to send a message that they are viewed as less than. It’s gross, but it’s literally the point?
The pilots need a certain amount of flight hours in those aircraft anyways. It cost nothing.
I mean, I’m all for deporting the US military, but what country would take them?
They don’t get a choice! That’s the whole point of a military.